Feb 6, 2010

A CRISIS - Made in BI

For a lot of companies BI has become the proverbial ‘Tiger by the Tail’ in real life - this is what happens when good BI’s go bad. Can’t keep hanging on to it and can’t leave the tail lest the tiger devour us, professionally and financially.

In Japan there is a proverb, ‘If it stinks, put a lid on it’. Alas this seems to have become a norm in quite a few companies that implemented BI , saw a crisis approaching, denied announcing it for fear of stakeholder response, then proceeded to invest more finances into an investment already gone bad. This continues to be a professional nightmare and sometimes a public-relations nightmare should the facts ever become known outside the walls. So the companies continue to put more and more money into the investment sometimes without changing the fundamental processes, and at other times simply opting for a lower cost partner.

Both routes might lead to a path of predictable failure, if not disaster.

BI itself is another tiger by the tail. In the 'Information Age' companies will live and die based on the BVA score of their reporting and IDCM, Information Delivery Chain management, systems. Goldman Sachs and Intel are examples of companies that continue to invest into information as an asset while some companies continue to view this as an expense. Other have even decided to outsource their 'Crown Jewels' to the loswet cost offshore supplier. This is like going for a brain surgery with a scalpel made in India or China, nothing against either of these countries, infact I am from India and can thus publish this, but if it was for me to decide I would demand a scalpel that was only made in Switzerland.

This has led global BI thought leaders and knowlege workers on a quest of finding the 'Missing Link'. The missing link is the Business expectations from BI investments.
you can find a paper in
There is a better way. Follow good BVA, Business Value Attainment, processes from the start. Just like modern finance has the CAP, capital Appropriation Process, in BI there is the BVAP, Business Value Attainment Process. Both processes measure value attainment from before the tasks are planned or committed. Both allow prioritization of asset allocations towards projects and processes that deliver higher business value. The most common reason for failure is assumption.

Without a proper BVA process it is not surprising that BI’s have failed and may continue to fail in the future. We have found the solution to this dilemma, which has been tried and tested for the last 5 years. Customers that choose the BVA methodology got user satisfaction above 85%, others that did not, for various reasons, are still struggling with their own methodologies and processes.

For an assured path to high success wait for this book due in April, designed for business executives, reviewed by business executives and approved by business executives in the pre read comments.

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