Dec 4, 2015

What each of us can do for Climate Change

The world is divided into two opposing blocks, [1] the first believes that humans have nothing to do with climate change and that we must continue our consumption and extraction models at an ever accelerating pace.  [2] The second believes that climate change is real, as real as lead poisoning used to be and that we need to behave like intelligent humans and try and swing the ‘greenhouse effect’ back to a point of equilibrium or negative, just like we did for lead. This article is designed for the second group, where I belong, and is an extension of our individual tasks to help with the Paris summit on the same topic- let work with our global leaders to save our future. I firmly believe that the leaders who have gathered together are not fools and neither should we be. Taking John F. Kennedy’s words “It’s not about what our country can do to save our future generations, it’s all about what we individually can do to save the world”. I humbly believe the opposition are not fools either, but agree to disagree and put my stake in the ground.

Global Climate is very complicated and simple at the same time. The key question, without getting into the politics of things, is how can we individually help reverse the impending global change that is now becoming inevitable.   Long term solutions will need us all to change our habits long term too. Each of us need to do two things

  1. Generate Oxygen: Increase the oxygen generation factory that nature has given to us
  2. Reduce CO2 production: Reduce personal contributions to the Global Climate Change

Let’s start by defining the baseline:

  1. Are we in safe hands: Are you 100% confident that your ‘advisors’ are creating a safe planet for you and your future generations, without any political or personal conflict of interest. It’s all about you and our future generations. Do you think you should contribute if you could impact Climate Change? This is not partisan, national or personal it’s only about YOU
  2. Do you personally believe in the greenhouse effect: Because if you firmly believe that the greenhouse effect is all scientific nonsense then this may not be a paper for you

  1. Generate Oxygen: I have seen no evidence of any papers on this topic from a Climate change perspective, or maybe I don’t know where they sit.
    A.1: Trees attract Clouds: I have clear evidence that trees attract Clouds. If you plant trees in any city, state of country the clouds get attracted to them because trees cause low pressure areas. If we deforest then we create a high pressure area. Take Sudan and Saudi Arabia from 1970’s to 2015. During this period Sudan has been on a mass deforestation as forest have being sold globally with no renewal programs. At the same time oil rich Saudi Arabia has been artificially planting trees in their new cities across the Red Sea. Rainfall has  steadily declined by 20% over this period in Sudan while in Saudi Arabia all the new greenery has resulted in unprecedented floods, rains that the environment is totally unprepared for. Saudi Arabia has not seen such floods for hundreds of years. The photograph on the right is an example of their 2011 flood at Jeddah. The evidence is clear; the data is empirical now the question is how can we use this for our country & planet. The graph on the bottom shows how the Global Warming caught up with Jeddah and then followed by the flood in 2011 as green reclaimed its rainfall back from the desert.  (a) My first suggestions is for every one of us to change our Christmas habits. My apologies here but it is something to think about. According to the national Christmas tree association 27 million Christmas trees are cut annually in the US alone to put some lights around them and ‘Feel good’, then throw them into the dustbin. I recommend we give back these 27 million trees per annum to our planet and out future generations. Imagine if each of us planted a Christmas tree every Christmas would that not be better. (b) My second suggestion- especially for California, is that each household plant 3 trees per annum in the wild and take care of them for a year. If you can’t do it, then pay someone to do it on your behalf and I guarantee we will get the rains back in a few years- invest into the future. (c) Third suggestion- Get the government to start planting trees rather than spending billions of dollars in low strategic benefit programs or deforesting. We need to invest into getting the clouds back- because trees breathe in CO2 and exhale O2. How perfect is that.
    A.2: Prevent Deforestation: Some of our global sources of forests are being depleted by the uncontrolled growth of human population and their daily needs. It is very easy to sit in Cupertino, California and recommend why someone starving in Africa or the Amazons should not cut any more trees. Once again it is no longer about us and them it is about You. How can YOU play a part to decrease deforestation? The first is by plangin your trees and balancing the deforestation taking place in poorer economies. The second is by starting and participating in eco-tourism and example is how WWF is trying to convince Thailand fishermen not to eat the Manta Ray by demonstrating how tourism in Hawaii is able to generate $100,000 per Manta Ray by eco-tourism and thereby promoting the economic value of sustenance and natural assets utilization.

  2. Reduce CO2 production: This is where most of our efforts are focused towards. Here are some suggestions:
    B.1: Decrease Consumption: Be an active producer and not a consumer in all things in life.  However, for this article prevent wastage of energy. It is estimated that 61 to 81% of energy is wasted in the US. One year of wastage in the US could provide all the energy UK needs for the next 7 years. It’s is vicious circle. (i) At the corporate level most US Utilities encourage large corporation to keep their lights on 24x7 by giving them a discount if they have continuous consumption. Companies that shut their lights after work may end up paying more than if they had kept all lights on all the time. It is quite common to drive past US offices and see them lit like a Christmas light at 3am. We need to stop this. (ii) At the residence level it is quite common to find house lights all over the house while only 1 room is occupied. So consume less and switch off lights when not in a room. Move to Led lights that consume less power. Insulate your homes. We are a democratic society and we the people can demand changes despite our governments going in the wrong directions. We can also choose governments and parties that take public concerns seriously.

    B.2: Buy Less, Eat More: Getting food from the farm to the fork uses 10% of the national energy budget, 50% of US Land and consumes 80% of fresh water. This is no way means we should stop eating all it translates into is stop wasting. In 2012 50% of the food in the US was wasted, that is 222 billion tons. Would feed all of Sub Saharan countries for  year (230 billion tons). How often have you dined and taken more food than you could possibly eat? How often have you thrown food from the fridge? We all are intelligent people we should plan to buy less and eat everything we buy. This is something each one of us should be able to do effortlessly. Eat less red meats and save the planet and your life.

    B.3: Public Transport: More and more people want to drive their own cars. More and more automobile multinationals would love to buy city transports to simply close them down so people are forced to buy their cars as it happened in Los Angeles.  We need to reverse this trend as intelligent democratic persons. Demand more public transport and then use it more often. Play your part in this global goal for climate change.

    B.4: Don’t buy a Gas Guzzler: Thinking it makes you look more successful and cool. The global impression might be exactly the opposite on the second count. Yes it may make you look rich but very uncool indeed- at least to the majority. Seeing a single person in a Hummer is such a global waste on all counts.

    B.5: Choose Renewable Energy: Where possible install Solar panels, buy renewable energy and prevent utilities from putting unfair taxes for people opting towards alternative energy options. Weatherize your homes, buy energy efficient appliances and replace your light bulbs with fluorescents, SFL’s or LED’s. Choose wisely as life on planet earth may depend on it.

    B.6: Drive smarter cars: I love the concept of self-driving cars for if all cars were self driven then we could option for a subscription based CaaS (Cars as a Service), where no one needs to own a car and you get your ride in less than 10 minutes from request. However, when I run my big-data numbers I am not totally convinced that Hybrid and electric cars actually contribute towards climate change. In my calculations electric cars have a higher carbon footprint say than clean diesel (assuming that all clean diesel cars are not cheating on their emission numbers). With electric cars all we do is redistribute the energy consumption to a power plant which are routinely far less efficient that a normal car on the street today. Add to that the disposal and the replacement costs of electric batteries and the reality and feel-good changes somewhat.

We have empirical evidence that when we put our minds to it we can place men on the moon and also eliminate lead poisoning of the planet. We faced the lead poisoning with a similar global consciousness. During the 1960’s we collectively faced many parties, companies and individuals that tried to shut these voices with their scientists refuting empirical evidence. In the end we won and by 1972 we witnessed a sharp decrease in lead content in our atmosphere. We need to take the same globally conscience movement with climate change and CO2. A little more difficult but not impossible for the only living race in our known galaxy.

…oo ššÅÆ oo…

About the Author: Hari Guleria is VP HANA Business Solutions at PrideVel Business solutions in Santa Clara, CA, in the heart of the Silicon Valley.  Prior to this Hari was Director for SAP HANA Solutions at HP services responsible for the Americas. Before that he was the Director for SAP HANA with HCL-Axon and before that he worked with SAP in their Value Realization Group. Hi focus is in extracting Business Benefits from HANA Implementations, i.e. the Highest Quality at the Lowest Cost. Quality supersedes everything.

Hari is the author of ‘BI Valuenomics- The story of meeting business expectation sin BI’ a book far more relevant today than it was in 2010 when it was published.

PrideVel is a global Cisco services partner and a global SAP HANA partner, sitting in an ultra-sweet intersection between Big-Data, Networking, IoT and SAP HANA. PrideVel is North Americas leading HANA TDI build and support partner. Hari leads the HANA Social Networking Group events at SAP. The group is over 25,000 members strong

Hari routinely works with customers as their Business Solutions layer between business owners and vendor partners assuring SAP and SAP HANA Business Value Attainment or BVA.  Hari has over 35,000 hours of BI, 12,000 hours of HANA an outlier score of 3.5 for BI and 1.2 for HANA. Hari comes with a platinum level background of SAP BW, BWA and SAP HANA. He also consulted in SAP SD and MM. Prior to SAP he comes with over 9 years of Sr. Business Management experience with major European multinationals. Hari may be contacted at

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